Our Story
Our Mission
Financial Solutions exists to help individuals and small businesses reach their financial goals. We seek to achieve this through holistic financial planning, investment management, and small business planning.
Who are we?
We are an independent financial planning and investment management firm located in La Grange, KY. We help individuals and small businesses develop, implement, and monitor financial strategies. These strategies target your individual wants, needs, and long-term goals.
“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

How did we get where we are?
Robin Lawson, founder of Financial Solutions, became an independent financial advisor in 1998. This came at the tail-end of a five-year career working for a Louisville insurance company.
While selling insurance, Robin grew tired of having a manager push him to sell more products. He wanted to work in a setting where the client was more important than the quantity of sales. After the Louisville branch of the insurance company closed, it gave Robin the push he needed to “go independent.”
Robin started Financial Solutions Inc. with the mindset that he would be able to run his business according to what was in the best interest of each client. This is a promise he has made to each client and kept since our doors opened in 2000.
As his business model took off, the company expanded and grew to add three more members.
Who do we serve?
Individuals and small businesses who need help with a financial plan. We want to transform your wishes into an achievable goal and develop a plan for you that will help your goals become a reality. We have served…
the 24-year-old mother, who we helped provide a $200,000 death benefit from a life insurance policy to assist her and her two children after her husband passed away.
the construction worker, who we helped receive monthly disability income so that he was able to maintain his home.
the parents of four children that weren’t sure how they would be able to put their kids through college. We developed a plan that would allow all their children to attend college and leave the parents with little to no debt.
the working couple who hadn’t yet made a plan for retirement. We planned for their needs and built a retirement plan that they are now able to enjoy.
the owners of a small business that were far overpaying a third party to manage their company’s 401(k) plan. We helped cut down their costs and helped educate them so they could better understand their company plan.
How can we help you achieve financial independence?
Our vision is to be a client-centric firm that is a catalyst for financial independence. We seek to accomplish this through six key objectives; partnership, education, objectivity, accountability, proactivity, and organization (Developed from Mitch Anthony's "Return on Life").
Financial planning is a life-long journey. It helps to know that you don't have to navigate it alone. We serve as trusted guides throughout all stages of life. All successful partnerships are built upon trust. We seek to earn your trust through honesty, transparency, and integrity.
We provide unbiased guidance to help you in life's key decisions. As an independent firm, we are not bound to one single product or solution. After we have a thorough understanding of your situation, we can then seek the best solution for you and your needs.
We work with you to anticipate life's transitions and financially prepare for them. We regularly look forward and create an action plan for life's inevitable changes.
We are not in the business of talking over your head. A good financial plan is one that you understand. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge, guidance, and resources to help you in your decisions.
We help you set and prioritize your goals and show you the steps needed to achieve those goals. We regularly review with you and reevaluate your progress towards achieving them.
We help you bring order to your financial life - from the macro-level of life's big decisions and transitions, down to the micro-level of monthly cash flow.
What is important to us?
You. As our client, you are at the forefront of everything we do. We want to do our best to give you the tools you need to achieve financial independence. We care not only about the result, but also the process. Honesty is important to us. We will be there with you every step of the way, providing clarity and transparency with each recommendation we provide.